Our Mission

To serve those in poverty by providing crisis care, case management, transformative education, food and household subsidy, employment training and placement, personal empowerment training and active referrals to other collaborative social service providers.

Our Purpose

To inspire and empower people living in poverty to lift themselves and their families to economic self-sufficiency.

Our Vision

Communities where every family has access to basic needs, nutritional food, crisis care, education and employment training, and where everyone has the opportunity to achieve a future filled with hope and possibilities.

Our Values

  • Dignity
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Empowerment
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Partnership / Collaboration
  • Wholistic Approach
about Us History

Organizational History

United Against Poverty (UP) was founded in 2003 by Austin and Ginny Hunt, who opened the first Member Share Grocery Program to address hunger relief along Florida’s Treasure Coast. As the popularity of the first Vero Beach location quickly grew, UP expanded its footprint to reach more families in need. The St. Lucie UP Center, located in Fort Pierce, opened its doors in 2009 with the mission to serve those in poverty by providing crisis care, case management, transformative education, food and household subsidy, employment training and placement, personal empowerment training and active referrals to other collaborative social service providers.
Currently we serve an average of 500+ persons every day through the following programs: 1.) Emergency food assistance and crisis care, 2.) Counseling and case management, 3.) Basic education, 4.) Personal empowerment training, 5.) Job skills training and mentoring, 6.) Job placement help and ongoing coaching, 7.) Member Share Grocery Program, and 8.) Collaborative partner services. We differ from other organizations by having a holistic approach to collaboration. It takes the community partners working together with their own unique knowledge and expertise with the family at the center to break the cycle of poverty for our residents. In addition, our philosophical approach focuses on helping people help themselves; offering hope and a hand up, rather than a hand out. Helping families to see their unlimited potential and to find the strength to overcome the situational barriers poverty creates. UP Center programs serve those whose household income is below 200% of poverty to access programs that 1.) Improve their income, 2.) Lift them to self-sufficiency and 3.) Provide food products and household essentials with savings up to 70%.

Lifting Lives

Today, UP Center St. Lucie (as our members call us) serves an average of 500+ individuals each day. In 2020, we served 8,668 families. All of our members must have household incomes at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. We assisted the community to conserve more than $3.82 million in resources, allowing them to stretch their limited dollars. 44 families were lifted out of poverty.

Programs Designed To Empower

From the very beginning, UP St. Lucie County was destined to be a different kind of charity-one that focused on offering a hand up, not just a handout. The organization started as a unique Member Share Grocery Program, which offered much needed dignity for families. Its popularity quickly grew and, as traffic to the campus increased, participants expressed a need to have additional services available on-site. Incorporating the non-profit in 2003, our founders desired to offer a compassionate hand to guide families to a place of hope and stability. The couple each experienced firsthand the hardships that accompanied growing up in poverty and had a commitment to making a difference for others. They knew that United Against Poverty could better serve those in need to ultimately help them break free from the cycle of poverty. As the campus grows and additional needs are identified, the center is expanding services to include crises care, case management, counseling, educational opportunities, specialty skills training and job placement.
about Us Empowered