Help keep our Emergency Food Pantry Stocked!

In addition to our main Member Share Grocery Program, the UP Center maintains a small Crisis Food Pantry to help families that are facing true emergency situations. Everything we do at UP St. Lucie centers around our “hand up, not handout” model, so members are encouraged to join the grocery program and participate in a life skills classes to receive a free bag of food items that will provide two well-rounded meals. The non-perishable items stocked in the pantry are provided by food drives hosted by schools, churches, companies, civic groups and neighborhoods. Collecting protein-rich items like peanut butter, tuna fish, canned chili, Vienna sausages and canned ravioli helps stock our shelves with well-balanced food. Your kindness will put food on the table for a hungry family and help a parent take the first step towards bettering their life.

Most Useful Food Donations

Baby Food | Feminine Hygiene Products | Bottled Water | Canned Fruit (pop top lid) | Cereal Bars | Canned Beans | Canned Vegetable, Potatoes, Fruit| Canned Soup | Diapers | Ensure | Jams or Jellies | Oatmeal | Pasta | Peanut Butter | Rice | Small Boxed Cereal | Crackers | Tuna | Vienna Sausage

Please contact: (772) 468-8543 for additional information!

Bayshore Elementary staff and students show their concern for our community with food and clothing during their annual drive.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc Delta Lambda Sigma Chapter Ft. Pierce helps to bring food and hope to families during the holidays.